Free Digital Download – Chore Charts

Updated August 15, 2012:
Please support me! New and improved versions of my chore charts (11 colors total in 3 designs, plus an editable pdf!) are now available in my shop for $3: The Everything Planner : Chore Chart Printables.

You might also be interested in The Everything Planner : Organize Me Printables for $4:

Or, you can save yourself some time, money, and regret by grabbing the whole kit and caboodle: those plus everything else a busy mom needs for $13, by clicking here: The Everything Planner : 2012 – 2013.

Am I the only person who gets her butt kicked during summer vacation? (That’s a lie… I get it kicked pretty much year round, but I especially notice it during the summer.)

This summer hit me harder than usual, though, since Steve was home for the first month and a half of summer vacation. You remember that surgery he had a few months ago? Well, after a complication or two, and another surgery (or TWO!), he ended up with a bit of an extended vacation. Only it wasn’t spent cruising around the world. Or lazing on a beach. It was spent corralling kids.

You know how the first week or so after school gets out is hard, as you adjust your schedules, and the kids get used to later hours, no homework, etc? Yeah, not so tough when you have a co-parent at home, but brutal when he heads back to work. BRUTAL.

I’m still trying to recover.

Since I’m about the most disorganized person on the planet, the only way I’ve found to reasonably fake competence as a busy mother-of-four-with-an-Etsy-shop-and-two-other-jobs-besides is to get organized. Yes, I have officially become my mother, and I follow a list. If it’s not written down, it ain’t happening. Seriously.

Along with my own super cool chore chart (which I use for menu planning and grocery shopping as well), I really wanted the kids to do some of my work learn some responsibility, but, being me, it has to look good. Function without form sucks, right? Right.

I stumbled across these chore chart notepads by Knock Knock, and loved the clean, graphic style:
Super cool, yeah? I, however, wanted it to be a bit more personalized, and I wanted a different one for each of my kids, since there’s a pretty big gap between how much work I can get out of responsibility I can teach a nine-year-old, and what a two-year-old is capable of doing.

I created some in Illustrator, mostly because I want to become more comfortable with it. I did the same basic design in four different colors, but personalized the chores for each one. I’m still toying with the idea of having it printed as a notepad, because I think that’s pretty darn cool. But, the cheap green Gen says that it’s much better to just print it once, have it laminated, and then let them use dry erase markers. The next morning, we’ll wipe them all off, and start again. (It’s a vicious cycle, isn’t it?)

After I got mine all printed, I took it back to basic for you. They’re blank, and in .pdf form, so you can either print them as-is, or fancy them up in Photoshop. There’s two per page, in four different colors; and I hope that they come in handy, however you use them!

Click here to download my handy-dandy chore charts.

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41 thoughts on “Free Digital Download – Chore Charts

  1. humel says:

    First up – sorry to hear that your husband needed more surgery and a while to recover, but I'm glad he's OK now xxThese charts are *perfect* πŸ™‚ I'm all for 'teaching children responsibility' πŸ˜‰ I think maybe The Hamster could do with a list, too? And – bonus! – any time I spend personalising these today, I can legitimately count as housework!

  2. awesome chore list..yeah we re-instilled the chore chart thing this summer with our kids too. heckhum..gettign them to do some my work/build responsibility is awesome. Since, it lets me get other details I normally don't get to b/c they don't want to do the simple tasks. Now, with the addition of bonuses for anything over 6 a day, chores seem to be getting done faster around here.Psst if you have a chance stop by the blog for giveaway information..and an other stop by to leave her comments about my reviews. I'm so totally excited. Be my cheerleading buddy and cheer with me.

  3. stephm says:

    Thank you so much for an awesome chore chart! I am forever making lists for my kids and looking for chore chart type things that aren't too childish looking (my kids are a little bit older). I love that I can personalize my own.Thank you!

  4. Barb says:

    Those are great!

  5. My daughter just turned 3 last week. I need to print some of these.

  6. Tiffany B says:

    Hugs to your hubby… in an impersonal way LOL. Might be awkward otherwise. Thanks for the great charts!

  7. This is one of the items on my "project list"…to create chore charts for the kids. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR MAKING IT EASIER ON ME! They are perfect… I mean, perfect!

  8. librarianism says:

    These charts are fantastic. I just printed a set for my husband and I (grown-ups need reminders too). I can't wait to get them laminated and ready to go! Thanks!!

  9. jillian says:

    I needed these! thank you!

  10. Suzzi says:

    I so needed these too – never liked the ones I tried. I am going to put it in a picture frame to make it in an eraser form.Thanks

  11. Jennifer says:

    Wow, these are fabulous! I love it. Like Nicole said, thanks for making it easy for me! PERFECT!!! You rock.

  12. Katte says:

    What are the two fonts you used on the charts? I want my additions to match πŸ™‚ These are great!! Thank you so much!!

  13. Gennifer says:

    Thanks for sharing your opinion, Anonymous of March 16. I hadn't really thought about it like that before.I guess I feel like I'm okay, because1) I provided a link to the original chore charts, which people can go and purchase. They're really great, but they don't work for my particular needs.2) My chore chart is different than the original, and DOES fit my needs. I offered it in case it fit others' needs as well. I'm not trying to make a profit, nor am I claiming that the idea was my own.

  14. nicole says:

    I just found this via pinterest. It is awesome!! printing them out asap and going to start this summer break out on the right foot. thanks so much for sharing them!!Nicole

  15. Chelsea Ling says:

    love these thanks

  16. Lorie says:

    Those would be perfect for us! And the summer is such a good time to implement them! Thanks!

  17. theteo5 says:

    I love this! I am always looking for ways to keep my kids on task without having to constantly nag them. Thanks for providing this in such a fun way. I'm featuring it on my blog (with links back to you) on Thursday.Rachel

  18. Michelle says:

    This is perfect for us to use over the summer! I've been looking around for a chore chart and couldn't find anything that worked well but your creation is great and we'll definitely use it. Thank you for sharing!

  19. Lesa McMahon says:

    So super cute… I'm sharing with my readers. πŸ™‚

  20. Melissa says:

    Thanks for these, they'll come in handy.

  21. these are super cute! thank you for making them available to us! would you be willing to email me the file as a illustrator doc – .psd – so i can type the chores in there for my kiddos?? my email is meadeball@gmail.comthank you!!heidi

  22. Anonymous says:

    Um, well let's get on her about creating a blog too then. I mean, she had to have copied someone when she decided to blog. Where is the inspiration credit for this blog? Whose blog made her decide that she wanted one? Hers isnt the first blog, even though she has tweaked it a little and made it her own. Geez. I love the chore charts, thanks a bunch!

  23. Heidi says:

    i LOVE these!! found my way here via pinterest. πŸ™‚ thanks!-h

  24. Tanya Runyan says:

    I love this only I can't add my sons name to it like you did. Bummer! I also would love to match the font what is it?

  25. Tanya Runyan says:

    I love this only I can't add my sons name to it like you did. Bummer. I would also love to know the font so I can match it. Thanks

  26. artful.e says:

    Love these! I found you via Pinterest. I'm so glad you have a version that allows me to add in my kids' particular chores. Yay for the free market. πŸ™‚ Your dry erase idea is excellent too!

  27. photogurrl says:

    Awesome chore charts! Found via pinterest. Thank you. Sorry for your troubles.

  28. Kristl says:

    Thank you for the great idea! I linked here from Pinterest too. I was wondering if you could post an update with the .ai file instead of the pdf. So that we can edit the form to add our child's name and chore list.Thank you again.

  29. New Crew says:

    How do I get these? I clicked where it said to and it didn't work

  30. this is great! thanks for sharing!

  31. CharlaL says:

    Just followed a link from Pinterest….Love these Thanks so much! πŸ™‚

  32. amy@ says:

    hi, i, too love this chores list and am wondering if you might be willing to share it as an AI or EPS file (for those like me who have Illustrator) so that i could customize it for my kids. thanks for considering, amy

  33. amy@ says:

    i, too, love what you did with these chore lists…thanks for sharing! and add me to the chorus of those who have Adobe Illustrator and would love to be able to get an editable AI or EPS to customize for my kids. would you be willing to email one or put it on this page? would be happy to paypal you a few bucks πŸ™‚ thanks for considering, amy

  34. FYI to other commenters – the font appears to be Calgary Script.

  35. Laurie M. says:

    These are very cute. My boys are now at an age that I they need chores and I need something like this. But, they are no longer available. 😦

  36. Beth Johnson says:

    I tried to purchase these but says they are unavailable…do you have them somewhere else?

  37. Jennifer says:

    I’m joining the “would love to purchase but it is unavailable” club….any chance we can get these?

  38. […] might feel like picture chore charts are too immature for their taste.Β  These colorful charts from Gennifer Bursett are a fun […]

  39. umm,…these are yet again unavailable. What happened? Are you planning on updating the location where these will be available?

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